Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (6 points)

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is absolutely a classic. I can't tell you how many different times I have been asked to read this and I enjoy every second of it. 

The biggest thing I find on a daily basis is how many people  ATTEMPT to recreate Frakenstien and always portray the monster with the name. However we know that the Doctor is infact Frankestien... Curiousty begs the question of how that got lost in translation. 

The realization of how closely correlated the stories of both Frankenstein and his creature were. 
Both of them introduced themselves into this story as beings of hope, who loved everything around them.  They were both  positive individuals and looked to the brighter side of hope.

Within both of their corresponding storylines the reader could watch the arc of each of their characters slowly begin to focus on nothing but the other. 

The creature, of course, quickly took my interest over Frankenstein, which I feel is how most people begin to think the story is named Frankenstein after the monster rather than the Doctor. 


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