Final Blog - total point (85)
Sketch One: Write at least 200 words
It is ten years from now, the holiday season of 2030. You are thinking about a present you might be getting for the holidays. What is it? Talk about how you did your holiday shopping, What is your job and how are you doing it? What is your living situation and what are the major issues of the day? Please make these questions relevant to any appropriate holidays you celebrate.
In ten years from now, I am really not sure what company I will be at. I hope that it would be the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I was born and raised in Florida and I'd really like for it to continue being my home. However, my boyfriend does not get to pick where he goes, his job gets to tell him so if he ends up traveling I will inevitably travel with him to get all the experiences I can get before settling back home.
I have a dog now but I think by 2030 I will probably attain a few more fur babies.
Currently, I have Alpha, I'd like him to have a brother and sister names Bravo and Charlie.
I do not see kids in my future however I hear that changes as you get older.
I think I'd be living in a house, or at least looking to buy one by 2030. This pup needs a big back yard and I intend to give him just that.
My Major issues of the day probably consist of what to cook for dinner, when my boyfriend will be home, a current client or project that has me wrapped up in work.
I see myself also driving my Jeep, but maybe its a mud toy now. As well as my garage having multiple motorcycles in it. I think this will still be my passion to work on cars, truck,s and motorcycles in my free time.
Sketch Two: Write at least 200 words.
It is 50 years from now, the holiday season of 2070, it's looking like it might be probably that you will live to see the next century. What are the dominant technologies of 2070 and how have they changed the way people behave and relate? How do you fit into this technology environment?
In 50 years I hope to be retired somewhere on a beach... but if we are being honest I will probably work until I die because I am a workaholic and I like to keep busy. Technology will probably be sooooo very different from what we are used to now. I can even begin to imagine the number of things that will change.
Hopefully, we don't have flying cars.. people can't drive at is it and I really think we should keep the pilots in the air and the idiots on the ground.
Maybe we will have com systems and it'll eliminate the need to carry your phones around... which overall would be so great.
I hope we don't end up like Wall-e that would suck hard because I love my freedom.
Oh and I hope I have lots of dogs :)
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